
February 05, 2005

The Monkey Sleeps at Midnight!

So here is the overdue but promised art update. Karp gave me this great idea that I should post a piece in stages from start to finish so you can see everything along the way. So here is the whole thing. I kind of rushed it along so I could see teh finished product, hence, everything is very loose and sketchy (please bear with it). Comments and constructive criticism are both welcomed so bring it fo'!

And there you have it. From sketch stage to 'finished' piece complete with cartoony palm fronds swaying gently with the warm jungle breeze. Makes me want to go pass out. Late!


Wildefrost said...

Wow, that is an AWESOME process. I'm really quite fascinated by it all. Thanks for posting these pics! :)

Sean Frenette said...

My boy, you and yer monkey make me proud!