
August 13, 2007

New Art

I've been getting 'back to my roots' so to speak lately and doing more art. This should be the way that things have always been, but shit happens, you know? So here're two pieces that I've been working on lately.

-This is the painting that everyone's been asking about. It's still in process but I wanted to share where it is so far. Who doesn't love battling kites?

-Another piece that's kinda mid-process. I say 'kinda' because I've started doing these larger drawing pieces (like this one), kinda treating it like a big sketchbook. Total stream-of-consciousness type trip, naimean? They're super fun cause I get to be so loose and not worry too much if things are a little 'offy' (yep, it's a word now!). Oh yeah! Flickr gave me a pro account, so I was sorting through some OLD photos. As long as we're on the subject of art, here's a piece I did for my friend's old band Indian Chief Headdress:

One last thing! If you like reading about relationship advice (and wish that someone like myself or my boy Wolf wrote the answers) go check out this blog. Enjoy!

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