
March 22, 2007

Back! VT was fun. Drove up in a small snow-squall, rode on Monday in clear, sunny skys with plenty of snow, hung out with Pa-Dukes, drank some beer (the best was a chocolate, oatmeal stout!), ate food, relaxed, drove up to Jay Peak, watched TV, learned some VT folklore, listened to a ton of great music, headed home in blue-bird conditions, saw cars off the road, eluded MA troopers' radar, and got home before 3! Here're some random snaps whilst driving.

-This sign means you're "Way the fuck up there!"

-"Don't drive angry."

-Did I mention I'm going for the 'Lumber-Jack Chic' lately? Trying out the Jerk Beard....

1 comment:

dougyfresh said...

Only a few days after I was up there. Nice shots. As much as I miss the snow the spring is rushing in with lots of biking!