
October 25, 2005

Up late....

I feel like I've been so scattered lately. When I go to check email before bed I enevitably [sp?] wind up checking out music/art that I've never heard/seen before. Next thing I know, several hours pass and I'm exhausted, barely able to keep my eyes open. Does anyone else have this issue as well? goodnight.
PS-check out The Twilight Singers....they're amazing!

2 comments: said...

That's the story of my life dude! I check my e-mail, my blog, and a few other sites nightly. Next thing you know its 2 hours later and 2 in the morning. Jess told me that "if my computer had a vag. I'd probably have sex with it"

Anonymous said...

haha I like tonys responce. Late night internet surfing is my regular routine.... and when Im drunnk that's = stupid myspace bulletins and nonsense Im's.

Steve A