
October 02, 2005

Back From Sin City....

And we're incarcerations, deaths, or serious injury. Great trip. Travelling with good friends always makes a trip fun. Here's the run down of what happened during the course of the week.
Day One:
Dean picks up Davis and I at 7AM. Davis is still drunk from the night before and only had 3 hours of sleep. Caffiene is consumed. We pick up Steve A next and check out his car. He did a 50-50 grind on railroad tracks the night before and messes up his rear wheel. He's got pics of Davis passed out on the train tracks. Some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. We meet up with everyone else @ Spence's and head to the airport. Check bags, wait for plane, board and take off. Somewhere over the midwest, Davis decides he doesn't want what's in his stomach to be there anymore and promptly gets rid of it all. We land in Chi-town and wait during our layover. Eat some lunch. I acutally eat meat, and buy some trail mix. Board, and take off to Vegas. I get a rippin' headache and try to cool things off with a gin and tonic. At this point we're all split up on the plane and Davis winds up next to a disorderly drunk. After bugging the shit out of Steve A in front of him, insulting the Japanese guy next to him (and all of Japan), we're all pretty much ready to beat the crap out of this guy. We get off the plane and Tony stickers the guy on the back with a TyrantBMX sticker. (photos coming soon!). We head to the hotel (Circus Circus), drop our crap and then get something to eat. I eat meat again, in addition to gorging myself with more food (note to self...when eating as a near vegetarian for the last year, don't eat so much meat within a short period of time. High salt and fat content=feeling like ass!). We walk the strip a bit, checking things out. I grab some sinus medicine for the bursting sinus headache in my face. We head to the Stratosphere and split up. Some stay out, I head home because I feel like shit. Davis stays out til five or six in the morning playing poker.
Day Two....tomorrow.


Wildefrost said...

No no, joey has it all wrong. Choosy dogs chose JIF.

Wildefrost said...


Sounds like you had a blast in LV. WORD.