
January 02, 2005

Happy New Year and such.....

What's up? Hope that all your New Smears' festivities went off without a hitch and that the drunken antics will provide you with much laughter for the next 12 months. I will hopefully kick the remnants of this cold that are still lurking inside me. My olfactory senses are still muffled (which I'm really pissed about), sinus' still clogged and still have congestion in the chestal areas. Did I ride on the beautiful 50 degree day that was New Year's day? Nope. I stayed couch-ridden @ my ladies' crib and stayed glued to the tube watching the coolest crap on the Food Network. Did I want to ride? Oh my hellsyeah! I'm trying to let things get better and less 'mucousey' before I put my body though more strain and stress. Hopefully things will pass soon. Let me know how things went for all of you. Big shout-out to my man the Fuse for the hook-up with the 'Red Tide' disc. Those dudes rock! Been listening to it non-stop. Thanks!

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