
June 17, 2006

We've finally done it!

So Tony T and I have been talking about this for a while now and we finally got off of our asses and did it. We've been getting tired of riding the same spots here in town (don't get me wrong, I love to ride and figuring out new, creative stuff @ the same spots is cool and all) so we've been discussing getting out and taking mini-road trips to other spots. So I set out to meet the crew @ the North End Banks when I get a call from Tyrant saying it's a bust. We met up, talked with a couple of random, cool urban big-wheelers that happend across us, and set out with no preplanned spots, just a bunch of ideas. We wound up a ways out from home and found/rode/shot some cool stuff. Three rolls of film, two bottles of water, three hostess cake products, 1 slurpie, 1 arizona green tea and four hours later (on top of a 10 hour work-day for myself), we found ourselves back in town and ready to pass out. Photos will follow of our adventures along with some stories I'm sure. We're looking forward to a bunch more of these throughout the summer so stay tuned.

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