Back from hiding! Let's see....this (long) weekend I went to a wedding, played with some puppies, had dinner with my Mom, drank some beers with Matt, blew LOTS of cash to bully a jukebox, rode a lot, raced my track bike tonight, ate some good food, and hung out with lots of great friends. Not a bad weekend if you ask me.
I would LOVE to get a shit-load of messages from friends who want to race next Tuesday night @ Ghettodrome. According to our myspace profile, we have 52 some-odd members. 52! I've never seen 52 there to race, EVER! Granted I've missed some races, but for the past couple of weeks, there haven't been very many people. If you own a track bike or fixed-gear and want to hang out with fellow bike geeks, please let me know. I can cram three other people in my car and I'm sure we can scare up a few racks to transport as many bikes down with us. Let's get a big crew together and head down! You don't even have to be fast (but it helps)! Even if the idea of racing appeals to you, but you're afraid to try, you're the perfect candidate to come down! Let's go!
-This photo is by Mo.