
May 28, 2006

Out of town.....

I'm going to be out of the area for a couple of days.....hiding. From everything. Don't worry, everything is cool, it's all good! I probably won't have access to a computer so if you need to get a hold of me, give a ring-a-ding. If you don't have my number, then you probably don't really need to find me.....Be back soon.
Oh yeah! Almost forgot....congratulations to Chris and Jodi. The wedding was super fun! I had a great time. Thanks for having me. We'll have to get up soon!

1 comment: said...

Good luck on your top secret adventure. I hope you don't get caught at the border! I hear its a huge fine and seerious jail time for smuggling the elusive Chupakabra Gerbil into the United States.