
April 22, 2005

Some Big Doin's

So things have been interesting (busy as per usual) lately. Probably the biggest news is that I will be changing jobs in about a month. This has NOTHING to do with poor working conditions, hating my job or a lack of money. I love the people I work with and really enjoy getting up to go to work every day for multiple reasons. But in the past couple of years I guess I kind of felt that something was missing. You all know about my obsession with beautiful, human powered, two wheeled machinery. Most of you are obsessed as well. I absolutely love working with bikes, so the summers around work have been fantastic. But when the summer draws to an end and we start getting ready for ski and snowboard season, I have a longing to still be focused on the bike end of things. It seems to me that every year this 'longing' sticks with me for a longer and longer period of time. So much so that I commuted (albeit not consistantly) through the winter and thought about what I wanted to do to my rides all winter long (when I usually think about snowboarding). I decided that because I am hopelessly obsessed with bikes, I should work with them year round. It was definitely a difficult decision to leave behind the job and the friends that I work with from the past five years, but working full time in a dedicated bike shop is where I feel I need to be. I will be starting at Pedal Power in mid May. Feel free to drop by and say hello!

On other news, I got my copy of the new Terrible One zine that contains some of my photo work. Head here to cop one. I could tell you which of my photos are in there, but just spend the measly eight bucks and get yourself a neat little zine you can put on your coffee table for guests to enjoy. $8 bucks for a zine you ask me?!!! Isn't that a bit expensive?! Not when you consider that it's a really nicely BOUND edition with GLOSSY pages and about 110 pages long! That's not all! If you order now you'll also receive a bunch of neato T-1 stickers that when applied properly, are sure to make your vehicle of choice the coolest on the block! But wait!, there's more! They'll also throw in a CD of music from Indie-rock sensations the Holy Ghost Revival! $8 for all that? They must be crazy! Or spend 23 bucks to get all of the aforementioned stuff, PLUS a limited edition T-shirt. What a deal! So I'm off to bed to finish reading my T-1 zine and then get some sleep. Hope that you all are doing well. Ride Fast, Ride Hard!

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