
July 14, 2008

New Drawing

Started a new drawing yesterday. I started it as just a quick kind of sketch, like what I've been working on lately. But I really like the way it's turned out so far so I think I'll take it to a clean finished product. Here are the pencils so far. I might get to start adding some ink tonight. We'll see how things pan out.

-click for a larger version.

I really pushed the contrast in photoshop cause the pencils are so light. But this gives you a good idea of what's happening. Pretend it's a top-secret spy photo.

Talked to my homeboy Ad-Roc to day. I don't want to jinx anything, talk about anything too soon before it happens, or let the cat out of the bag, but he and I are in the infant stages of something big right now. Big like something that CT hasn't seen before. I'm super-excited! I think this has some huge potential. Can't wait to see where it goes. All in due time.

Other than that, been going riding a bunch. I watched what was almost a really horrific collision between a couple of cyclists and a car. I swear that most people's IQ's just plummet as the pace increases. They're so deadset on passing each other (on a damned CLUB ride!) and are so competitive that they don't check over their shoulders for cars. I watched two guys literally swerve out in front of a car after 'Car Back' had been yelled out. And I watched some dipshit try to blow up the group, sprint out, lose steam, and no one would let him into the paceline, sit right in the middle of the road with a car behind him. It's no wonder why motorists hate cyclists so much. Sharing the road doesn't mean taking the lane when a car is trying to get past. Don't be an asshole.

Still training for cross season. I don't really have a benchmark for where I'm at so I'm not sure how things are going to pan out. I feel like I'm caught between the A's and the fastest B's on our group rides. Once things start going up, I can pass most folks like they're standing still. But there are a few guys I can't keep up with. No matter whether they're on hills, especially when they're on the flats. Had a lot of knee pain tonight too. I think the combination of cooler weather and pushing 20mph for 35mi kind of added up together. I feel like I have to embrocate unless it's stupidly hot out or constantly wear knee warmers. The cooler weather really knocks the shit out of my knees. I hope I can keep up this pace of riding right through cross season and that I don't get burned out. Just have to keep it fun, think right and "I got my PMA...we got our PMA!" Word.

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