
September 22, 2007

Haunted Room?

I spent a few days about a week ago up in Saratoga Springs, NY as part of my training to get Serotta Fit Certified. I stayed in this place called the Adelphi Hotel. They bill themselves as one of the last remaining, original Victorian hotels in the US. Yep. It's definitely original. And haunted. At 4am the first night I was there, there was a clattering in my bathroom, like someone had dropped a metal pipe on the floor. I woke up, looked at the bathroom, saw the light go out. But I had never left it on! Then the door opened itself a few inches. I slept fine the next two nights, without any ghostly visits. Check out some of the creepy shit I saw out of the windows:

-All boarded up...pretty damn creepy!

-Cool bridge on the way up.

-Check out Buffalo. Some expensive tolls!

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