
February 01, 2007


It always feels the same. Everytime it happens. Reguardless if it's the girl breaking up with guy or vice versa. There's always a big empty feeling in your gut. And it always takes time to fill it back in and heal over. I like to think it's because you selflessly and lovingly give a piece of yourself (your soul?) to the other person and when they/you leave, that piece is gone and has to fill back in. Ahhhh....nothing but Alkaline Trio, not eating, and blow-your-legs-up bike rides for the next couple weeks.


dougyfresh said...

agreed 100%

Albeit I've been listening to a ton of Cartel and Sparta. whilst spending time in the gym and riding those things they call bicycles. said...

...or good Mexican food, cheap beers, and midnight roadside antics!!!

Gristlepig said...

I feel where you're at man. I've got that same hole in my gut. And loss of appetite...
Keep riding hard. Those endorphins will work their magic soon enough.