
September 22, 2006

Wasting Time in the Emergency Room....

So....I crashed my BMX @ the skatepark last Sunday. Got my hand all swolled up. It started to heal, and then the swelling came back yesterday. Kind of alarmed me. So I picked the brains of several people including nurses and other medical folk. The general concensus seemed that I should go against my better judgement and get it x-rayed. So I went to through 'Express Care' (ie: ER) here in town. After about 3 hours or so, I was checked out, x-rayed (I now have super-duper powers), had my hand poked, prodded and squeezed and was released. All to tell me I have a fucking sprained ligament. It could have at least been broken. Would have healed faster. I hate going to see doctors. It takes up valuable time. And I'm basically going to pay for 3 hours of chilling out in the hospital, getting some photos taken, and then telling me to wrap and tape it like I've been doing. FUCK!! Buy some Ghostship shit to help me cover my co-pays damnit!

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