
February 07, 2006

Light Saber Battles rule!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately....I've been super busy @ work and with my art. I finally got a day to myself today, rode the skatepark for a couple of hours, fixed my BMX and found this awesome new (to me) band. Check em out on myspace: Little Barrie. Some great fucking tunes! Here's a photo of a light saber battle on Christmas Eve to make up for the lack of updated material!

-I love this photo!

3 comments: said...

SICK! You went to the skatpark by're officially an addict! Welcome to the gang...its all downhill from here!!!

Anonymous said...

you didnt no about little barrie?!?! there in my freakin myspace buddy!

Wildefrost said...

Hey Matt... i was looking through this guy's website and thought you might like to see some of his skateboarding pictures.


follow the left sidebar down and click on "skateboarding" to see them.. they're pretty cool and reminded me a lot of your shots.