
March 06, 2005

Trees, Monsters, and Contests.....

Kami and I made our weekly riding trip up to Stratton last Thursday. After getting 12+ inches the day prior the snow was amazing to say the least. It was cold enough to keep it all powdery too. It was a bit windy but the bluebird conditions more than made up for it. Went into the trees for the first time too. All I can say is if you've never been riding through the trees you're really missing out. Definitely reminded me of whipping through tight single-track on a mountain bike. Except that you're more like floating and gliding. My favorite part was just sitting under a canopy of pines where all of the branches were filled with snow. It was like being in your own little snowy world. Hearing faint sounds of people skiing or riding by on the trails that flanked the trees. Another aspect that I really dug was the fact that you could take your own lines. Ride where ever you're so inclined. Just because someone else blazed a path doesn't mean that you have to follow. And there was so much snow (knee to waist deep in some spots) that there were many untouched lines. Just an unbelievable experience. Which brings me to my next story. Just as we were saddling up to head home, I snapped a photo of Kami:

Then we found we had a stowaway hiding in the car!!!

He turned out to be pretty friendly....

Now we have a new pet.

On a different note, there's been some weird stuff going on around the shop lately. Weird noises coming from the back room, things disappear when you know you put them somewhere, strange smells. All kinds of weirdness. I happened to bring my camera into work one day hoping I might shoot some interesting stuff when I caught this guy.....

I got kinda scared when I first encountered him not knowing what to expect. But then he did something completely unexpected:

Checked his watch! Wanted to know what time it was!
Then he tried to pick me up...

Told him I had a girlfriend and then hired him to tune skis in the back. I think it's a pretty good arrangement.

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to head over to Sundown and judge the slopestyle contest that out shop put together. The level of talent was so really good. Those guys and gals seriously threw down! I'll have some photos up in the near future once I get them scanned and touched up. More details to follow was well. Hope that everyone is doing well. By the way, the new bicycle buyers guides are out. Have you picked out your new ride yet? Check it! Peace!
Ride Fast! Ride Hard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Foe Jarr is the funniest mo fo ever!
Nice pictures matt
You can tell I rode really hard that day!
All sweaty and red in the face, I'm thinking Ted Kennedy.......but a little bit more attractive I hope.