
September 23, 2005

New Photos....Finally!!!!

So here you go. You can stop bugging the shit out of me to post some new photos. I didn't realize I had such a following. Shesh. Went out riding street with Tony Tyrant the other night. Here are some photos of what went down.

-curved wallride in the parking garage.

-Tony always 'inside icepicks' for the Lord.

-icepick with scary drop on the other side.

-some artsy shit right here yo!

By the by, if you're going to snag my photos for your website or your Myspace account, you'd BETTER give me a FUCKING BYLINE! I work damn hard at taking and working on these photos. If they're ending up in a place where other people are going to see them, I'd like other people to know who took them. I'd also appreciate you asking permission first. And maybe a link to this blog so interested parties can contact me if they want to contract me for work. Thanks. Enjoy!
PS- would anyone be interested in owning prints of any of the photos that they see here? I'm thinking of something like $20-$40 per print? Your choice of paper grade and size? Let me know if you'd be interested in something like this.
Ride Fast! Ride Hard!

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