Went to Rhode Island today with Todd and his crew to catch Explosions In The Sky. We killed a bunch of hours by hanging around in the mall. It's pretty large. 3 stories. Malls aren't really my thing, but there were some cool stores there. People watching was great too. Had a HUGE lunch from an Indian place in their food court. I was kinda sketched out by it at first, but everything they cooked was fresh and tasted amazing! A definite surprise as mall fair goes I guess. We left the mall for a bit and walked around downtown Providence. Went to a couple sneaker shops and bookstores. Snapped some random photos. We met up with some more folks (in the mall), some ate dinner, and we left to downtown yet again. By this time, I was jonesing for some caffeine pretty badly, so I set out on my own. With the help of some of the crew from Lisa Lampinelli [sp?] (i guess she was in town doing comedy at another theater), I found a Starbucks a little ways up the street. Headed back with caffeine and waited for the rest of the crew outside Lupos.
The show was sold out...good thing we had tix already. Watched the show. The band was pretty good. Not the type of show I'm used to going to. Was hoping for more of a show, but they played well. They turned down an encore, I'm still not sure what to make of that...what kind of fucking band turns down an encore?!?! Maybe they're all a bunch of nancy-boys? I thought everything was bigger in Texas (they're pretty proud of their Texan heritage but.....that shit might get revoked!) Here's some random shots I took. Enjoy.

-Todd at dinner.

-Me. Coffee deprived.

-Bad. Ass.

-Used cassette tapes in a used bookstore.

-Quick, 5min drawing during dinner. Have I mentioned how much I hate my digital camera. Shit said it was in focus....piece of garbage.